



19 May 2011 No XI-1397

The Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania, invoking paragraph 2 of Article 66 of the Law of the Republic of Lithuania on Higher Education and Research and having regard to the decision of the General Assembly of the members of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences taken on 30 April 2010, r e s o l v e s:

Article 1.

To approve the Charter of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences (appended).

Article 2.

1. Full members and corresponding members of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, elected in compliance with the Charter of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences valid until the entry into force of this Resolution, shall be regarded as full members or members emeriti of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences (if they are 75 years of age and over) as of the date of the entry into force of this Resolution.

2. Within three months from the adoption of this Resolution, excluding July and August of 2011, expert members of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences shall be elected full members or members emeriti depending on the number of votes necessary for election of members as set out in this paragraph and subparagraph 26 of the Charter of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences approved by this Resolution. The full members, corresponding members and expert members of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences shall have the right to vote. The General Assembly of the members of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences shall have the right to elect members if the Assembly is attended by not less than twothirds of the members of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences enjoying the right to vote.

3. If an expert member of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences is not elected a full member or a member emeritus of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences in accordance with the procedure laid down in paragraph 2 of this Article, he shall hold office of the expert member of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences until the expiration of the term of office for which he has been elected in compliance with the Charter of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences valid before the entry into force of this Resolution. The expert members of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences who have not been elected full members or members emeriti of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences shall enjoy the same rights and duties until the expiration of the term of office as the full members and members emeriti of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, except for the right to elect full members of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences.

Article 3.

To repeal Resolution No IX-1374 of the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania of 18 March 2003 regarding the Approval of the Charter of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences.


APPROVED by Resolution No XI-1397 of the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania of 19 May 2011



Following the tradition of Western Europe, at the end of the 18th century the Vilnius University Professor Marcin Poczobut and several other university staff members drew up a foundation programme of the Vilnius Academy of Sciences which, unfortunately, was not implemented. The idea of founding an academy of sciences was also raised during the national revival period. It was fostered by the founders of the Lithuanian Learned Society, Dr J. Basanavièius, Dr J. Ðliûpas and others. The most famous intellectuals of independent Lithuania sought to found an academy of sciences as an autonomous research and research management centre, a symbol of the prestige of the State. For various reasons this project was launched only in 1939, following the establishment of the Antanas Smetona Institute of Lithuanian Studies and the drafting of the Charter of the Academy of Sciences. The Academy of Sciences was founded on 16 January 1941. Currently, the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences is an equal member of the community of the world’s academies of sciences, many international and European scientific and research management organisations shaping the science policy, and representing the interests of the scientific community of Lithuania.


1. The Lithuanian Academy of Sciences (hereinafter referred to as the “Academy of Sciences”) shall be a state budgetary institution uniting the most eminent scientists of Lithuania and foreign scientists whose activities are related to Lithuania. The Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania (hereinafter referred to as the “Seimas”) shall be an institution implementing the rights and duties of the State as the owner of the Academy of Sciences.

2. The Academy of Sciences shall act in compliance with the Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania, the laws of the Republic of Lithuania, the Charter of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences (hereinafter referred to as the “Charter”) and other legal acts.

3. The mission of the Academy of Sciences shall be, by affiliating prominent scientists, to initiate activities which would strengthen Lithuania’s prosperity and contribute to its national scientific, social, cultural and economic development.

4. While implementing its mission, the Academy of Sciences shall pursue the following key strategic goals:

1) to consistently promote a high level of research and studies, with special attention given to key issues concerning Lithuanian science, culture, language, economy and social progress, taking into consideration the trends of world science;
2) to cultivate society’s critical scientific thinking;
3) to foster scientific and academic freedom, and research ethics.

5. When pursuing the said goals, the Academy of Sciences:

1) shall initiate or, on a mandate from the Seimas or the Government of the Republic of Lithuania (hereinafter referred to as the “Government”), organize and coordinate research;
2) shall, within the scope of its competence, provide consultations to the Seimas and the Government, submit recommendations and expert evaluation to them;
3) may, in accordance with the procedure laid down by legal acts, implement the rights and duties of the State as the owner of legal persons necessary to ensure activities of the Academy of Sciences;
4) shall determine directions and forms of scientific knowledge communication, publish scientific and popular science periodicals and non-periodical publications, on a mandate from the Government or an institution authorised by it shall coordinate the implementation of measures for propagation of transactions and dissemination of science and technologies (preparation of audiovisual material of popular science and publication of periodicals, organisation of national popular science events, enhancement of competences in the sphere of science and technologies);
5) shall organize scientific congresses, conferences, symposiums, seminars, and other events corresponding to the activities of the Academy of Sciences;
6) shall conclude cooperation agreements with foreign academies of sciences, Lithuanian and foreign higher education and research institutions and organisations, join international scientific organisations, encourage activities of its members in such organisations, and participate in international, foreign and national programmes;
7) shall promote scientific activities of young scientists and students; through competition from funds of the state budget, donors or from other legally acquired funds shall assign benefits and other grants to scientists and students who have distinguished themselves in scientific work, send scientists on sabbaticals and for work in foreign scientific centres;
8) shall set and bestow honorary degrees, prizes and awards for scientific achievements and/or contributions to experimental (social, cultural) development;
9) shall cooperate with industrial and business enterprises and organisations on issues pertaining to science and experimental (social, cultural) development;
10) shall cooperate with organisations of scientists and other researchers;
11) shall enjoy the independence set by laws, other legal acts and the Charter, shall establish its own structure, internal code of conduct, number of employees, their rights, duties and pay conditions, job descriptions, the procedure for organisation of competitions to fill positions and performance appraisal in compliance with laws and other legal acts;
12) shall store in its archive personal files of the members of the Academy of Sciences as well as archival records of the legal persons established by the Academy of Sciences and other material significant for the history of science;
13) shall enjoy other rights laid down by legal acts.

6. The official name of the institution shall be the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences. The Academy of Sciences shall have its own seal, logo, flag and other symbols. The Academy of Sciences shall be a public legal person. Public reports of the Academy of Sciences shall be announced on the website of the Academy of Sciences and the information publication of the Academy of Sciences. The registered office of the Academy of Sciences shall be Gedimino Ave. 3, LT-01103 Vilnius, Republic of Lithuania.

7. Main sources of financing the activities of the Academy of Sciences: state budget appropriations, the EU structural funds, received sponsorship funds regulated by the Law of the Republic of Lithuania on Charity and Sponsorship, funds allocated by foundations and organisations of the Republic of Lithuania as well as international and foreign foundations and organisations, income from expert and economic activities and services rendered, other funds obtained legitimately. The Academy of Sciences shall use these funds in accordance with the procedure laid down by the Government. Accounting of the Academy of Sciences shall be organised, sets of financial statements and reports on implementation of the budget shall be formed and submitted in accordance with the procedure laid down by the Law of the Republic of Lithuania on Accounting, the Law of the Republic of Lithuania on Financial Reporting of the Public Sector and other legal acts.

8. Property transferred by the State to the Academy of Sciences and property acquired by the Academy of Sciences shall belong to the State; the Academy of Sciences shall manage, use and dispose of this property in accordance with the procedure laid down by legal acts.

9. Every year the Academy of Sciences shall, not later than within four months from the end of a calendar year, present a report on its activities to the Seimas, scientific community and the public, and fulfil other obligations set out by legal acts.


10. The supreme collegial self-governance body of the Academy of Sciences shall be the General Assembly of members of the Academy of Sciences.

11. Between sessions of the General Assembly of the members of the Academy of Sciences, the activities of the Academy of Sciences shall be directed by the President of the Academy of Sciences and the Presidium of the Academy of Sciences (hereinafter referred to as the “Presidium”).

12. The Academy of Sciences shall have Scientific Divisions and the administration. The number of the Scientific Divisions and their internal structure shall be set by the General Assembly of the members of the Academy of Sciences. The structure of the administration shall be established by the Presidium.

13. The supreme collegial self-governance body of a Scientific Division shall be the General Assembly of members of that Scientific Division.

14. Between General Assemblies of members of a Scientific Division, the activities of that Scientific Division shall be directed by the bureau of the Scientific Division and the chairperson of the Scientific Division.

15. The Academy of Sciences shall implement the rights and duties of the owner of the Wróblewski Library of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences which is a state budgetary institution.


16. The personnel of the Academy of Sciences shall consist of the following: full members, members emeriti and foreign members. Each member of the Academy of Sciences shall simultaneously be a member of a certain Scientific Division of the Academy of Sciences. Members of the Academy of Sciences shall be elected for life. Upon attaining the age of 75, full members of the Academy of Sciences shall become members emeriti.

17. Lithuanian scientists who have enriched science and culture by their highly valuable works shall be elected as full members of the Academy of Sciences. In exceptional cases, prominent artists may be elected as members too. On the recommendation of the Presidium, the General Assembly of the members of the Academy of Sciences shall set out requirements for persons seeking to participate in elections of full members of the Academy of Sciences.

18. Renowned foreign scientists, whose academic activities relate to the Republic of Lithuania, shall be elected as foreign members of the Academy of Sciences.

19. The numbers of the full members of the Academy of Sciences shall not exceed more than 120. The number of members emeriti and foreign members shall not be limited.

20. Elections of full members and foreign members of the Academy of Sciences shall be conducted in accordance with the Charter and the election regulations approved by the General Assembly of the members of the Academy of Sciences.


21. Full members of the Academy of Sciences shall be elected to vacancies at the General Assembly of the members of the Academy of Sciences. Vacancies for full members according to specialities (on the recommendation of the Scientific Divisions) shall be distributed by the Presidium and approved by the General Assembly of the Academy of Sciences. Information concerning the vacancies and the requirements set for candidates shall be published in the mass media of the Republic of Lithuania and on the website of the Academy of Sciences at least three months prior to the date of the election. Dates of elections of members of the Academy of Sciences shall be set by the General Assembly of the members of the Academy of Sciences.

22. Full members and members emeriti of the Academy of Sciences shall have the right, within one month from the date of the announcement of the vacancies, to nominate candidates according to the specialities indicated in the announcement. Senates of higher education and research institutions, research councils and associations of scientists may also nominate candidates. The names of the nominated and registered candidates shall be published in the mass media of the Republic of Lithuania and on the website of the Academy of Sciences at least one month prior to elections of members of the Academy of Sciences. The Presidium shall nominate candidates for foreign members of the Academy of Sciences on the recommendation of a relevant Scientific Division. The Scientific Divisions shall arrange the expert examination and open discussion of scientific activities of the candidates registered to the position of full members and foreign members of the Academy of Sciences; the conclusions of open discussion shall be presented when electing candidates for full members at General Assemblies of the members of the Scientific Divisions and when electing full members and foreign members of the Academy of Sciences at the General Assembly of the members of the Academy of Sciences.

23. The General Assembly of the members of the Academy of Sciences shall elect full members of the Academy of Sciences from the candidates elected at the Scientific Divisions and foreign members from the candidates nominated by the Presidium. The full members of the Academy of Sciences shall have the right to vote.

24. At the General Assembly of members of a Scientific Division the right to vote shall be enjoyed by the full members of that Scientific Division when electing candidates for full members of the Academy of Sciences. When considering candidates nominated for election as full members of the Academy of Sciences, recommendations of a section of the Scientific Division of the Academy of Sciences, relating to the nominated candidate, shall be taken into account.

25. Full members and foreign members of the Academy of Sciences shall be elected at the General Assembly of the members of the Academy of Sciences and candidates for full members shall be elected at General Assemblies of the Scientific Divisions. Elections shall be deemed valid if at least 2/3 of the members of the Academy of Sciences or a relevant Scientific Division participate therein. Voters lists shall include all the members of the Academy of Sciences (a relevant Scientific Division) who have the right to vote. Only the voters who participate at the General Assembly of the members of the Academy of Sciences or the General Assembly of the members of a Scientific Division shall vote. Candidates shall be elected by secret ballot.

26. Those persons who received the majority of votes, but not less than 2/3 of the votes of the voters participating in the voting and more than 1/2 of the votes of the voters included in the voters list, shall be considered as elected at the General Assembly of the members of the Academy of Sciences. Persons who received the majority of votes, comprising more than 1/2 of the votes of the voters included in the voters list, shall be considered as candidates for full members elected at the General Assembly of the members of a Scientific Division. Minutes of vote counting commissions shall be approved by the General Assembly of the members of the Academy of Sciences or the General Assembly of the members of the Scientific Division by open ballot by a simple majority of votes. If the nominated candidates do not receive the necessary number of votes, vacancies shall be announced again and elections of members of the Academy of Sciences shall be held in accordance with the same procedure laid down in this Charter.


27. Members of the Academy of Sciences shall seek to achieve the goals of the Academy of Sciences through their scientific activity.

28. Members of the Academy of Sciences shall have the right to present issues regarding science and science management for consideration to the General Assembly of the Academy of Sciences, the Presidium, the Scientific Division or its bureau, as well as to publish their own scientific articles or scientific articles of other scientists in the transactions of the Academy of Sciences and to obtain information about the activities of the Academy of Sciences.

29. A member of the Academy of Sciences may be a member of several Scientific Divisions with the consent of these Divisions. Members of the Academy of Sciences who belong to two or more Scientific Divisions shall have the right to vote in only one of the Scientific Divisions during elections of members of the Academy of Sciences.

30. Foreign members of the Academy of Sciences may participate in scientific, expert and organisational activities of the Academy of Sciences. They shall be entitled to information about activities of the Academy of Sciences, publication of their own research papers and other information in the transactions of the Academy of Sciences.

31. Employment contracts may be concluded with the members of the Academy of Sciences for the period of performance of certain projects, with the exception of the President, the Vice President (Vice Presidents), the Secretary General and the Chairpersons of the Scientific Divisions of the Academy of Sciences who work under fixed-term employment contracts until the expiration of their term of office. For project-based activities, prepared studies, reports, expert examinations and other work related to research and experimental (social, cultural) development the members of the Academy of Sciences may, in accordance with the procedure laid down by legal acts, be paid from the state budget appropriations allocated to the Academy of Sciences, and other funds acquired legitimately. The members emeriti and full members of the Academy of Sciences, who do not maintain employment relationships and are over the age of 65, may be paid monthly benefits from the budget of the Academy of Sciences in accordance with the procedure laid down by legal acts implementing resolutions of the Government and other laws. 32. A member of the Academy of Sciences must fulfil resolutions of the Academy of Sciences, organize and carry out expert examinations of works and projects of an appropriate field of science, present proposals on the improvement of scientific activities and research management as well as on the issues of economy and society, environmental protection, healthcare, science, development of research, higher education and culture.

33. The full members of the Academy of Sciences shall, each year until 31 December, present reports on their activities, which are considered at the respective Scientific Divisions.


34. At the General Assembly of the members of the Academy of Sciences the right to vote shall be enjoyed by the full members and members emeriti of the Academy of Sciences, with the exception of the cases provided for in subparagraphs 23 and 24 of this Charter.

35. The General Assembly of the members of the Academy of Sciences shall:

1) consider issues related to education, culture, research and experimental (social, cultural) and economic development in the Republic of Lithuania and submit proposals to the Seimas, the Government and other state government institutions;
2) lay down general trends of activities of the Academy of Sciences and its Scientific Divisions;
3) solve the key organisational issues of the Academy of Sciences;
4) approve vacancies for members of the Academy of Sciences;
5) approve reports on the activities of the Academy of Sciences;
6) consider reports of the Scientific Divisions and institutions of the Academy of Sciences the rights and duties of the owner whereof are exercised by the Academy of Sciences;
7) listen to problem reports of the members of the Academy of Sciences, other eminent Lithuanian and foreign scientists;
8) discuss ways of implementation of research results;
9) provide for trends and forms of cooperation with foreign academies of sciences and scientific centres;
10) consider issues of organisation of research and higher education;
11) set out guidelines for publishing work of the Academy of Sciences;
12) approve an annual estimate of revenue and expenditure submitted by the President of the Academy of Sciences, a report on its implementation, and set the salary of the President of the Academy of Sciences;
13) set prizes, bestow honorary degrees and awards on scientists and students for remarkable scientific achievements and successful participation in conducting research;
14) lay down the procedure for assigning benefits and grants to scientists and students who have distinguished themselves in conducting research, the basis of organisation of sabbaticals of scientists at foreign research and higher education institutions.

36. Sessions of the General Assembly of the members of the Academy of Sciences shall be convened at least twice a year. The General Assembly of the members of the Academy of Sciences shall be legitimate if it is attended by not less than 2/3 of the full members of the Academy of Sciences. At the General Assembly of the members of the Academy of Sciences, except the cases provided for in subparagraphs 25, 26, 40, 42 and 59 of this Charter, decisions shall be taken by open ballot by a simple majority of votes cast by the members of the Assembly who have the right to vote.


37. The Presidium of the Academy of Sciences shall comprise the President of the Academy of Sciences, the Vice President (Vice Presidents), the Secretary General, the Chairpersons of the Scientific Divisions and other members of the Presidium. The number of the members of the Presidium shall be set by the General Assembly of the members of the Academy of Sciences.

38. The President of the Academy of Sciences, the Vice President (Vice Presidents), the Secretary General, the Chairpersons of the Scientific Divisions and other members of the Presidium shall be elected from the full members of the Academy of Sciences. The positions of the President, the Vice President (Vice Presidents), the Secretary General shall be incompatible with any other administrative position in state institutions as well as with employment in business and other private establishments or enterprises. The President of the Academy of Sciences, the Vice President (Vice Presidents) and the Secretary General may not receive any other remuneration than the remuneration for work at the Academy of Sciences and for their scientific, pedagogical and creative activities.

39. The same person may hold the position of the President of the Academy of Sciences, the Vice President, the Secretary General, the Chairperson of the Scientific Division for not more than two consecutive terms of office.

40. The full members of the Academy of Sciences and the members emeriti of the Academy of Sciences shall, at the General Assembly of the members of the Academy of Sciences, nominate and elect the President of the Academy of Sciences, the Vice President (Vice Presidents), the Secretary General and other members of the Presidium, except the Chairpersons of the Scientific Divisions. The Chairperson of a Scientific Division shall be elected by the full members and members emeriti belonging to that Scientific Division, and approved by the General Assembly of the members of the Academy of Sciences. The Chairperson shall be elected (approved) by secret ballot. Persons shall be considered elected (approved) when they received more than 1/2 of votes of the voters entered on voters list. Elections of the President of the Academy of Sciences shall be organised not later than three months before the expiration of the term of office of the President of the Academy of Sciences. The Seimas shall approve the post of the President of the Academy of Sciences on the recommendation of the Academy of Sciences.

41. Upon the election (approval) of all members of the Presidium, the composition of the Presidium shall be approved for a period of four years by the resolution of the General Assembly of the members of the Academy of Sciences.

42. The General Assembly of the members of the Academy of Sciences may dismiss a member of the Presidium before the expiration of their term of office for failure to fulfil the provisions of this Charter. A resolution to dismiss a member of the Presidium before the expiration of their term of office shall be adopted by secret ballot at the General Assembly of the members of the Academy of Sciences. More than 2/3 of all full members and members emeriti of the Academy of Sciences must vote for such dismissal. A new member of the Presidium shall be elected pursuant to the Charter for the remaining period of the term of office instead of the dismissed member of the Presidium as well as instead of the member of the Presidium who has resigned.

43. The President of the Academy of Sciences shall be a single-person management body of the Academy of Sciences. The President of the Academy of Sciences shall:

1) organize work of the Academy of Sciences with the aim of implementing the goals of the Academy of Sciences and performing the set functions, and head the activities of the Presidium;
2) preside over General Assemblies of the members of the Academy of Sciences and meetings of the Presidium;
3) ensure the rational and economical use of funds and assets, the creation of internal control system of the Academy of Sciences, and its operation and improvement;
4) control work of the organisational units of the Academy of Sciences;
5) represent the Academy of Sciences;
6) employ and dismiss staff members of the Academy of Sciences, announce competitions to fill in positions, appoint persons to such positions and dismiss from them;
7) approve the administrative structure and the list of positions of the Academy of Sciences with the consent of the Presidium;
8) ensure the compliance with laws, other legal acts and the provisions of this Charter;
9) guarantee that sets of statements and statistical reports, submitted pursuant to the Law of the Republic of Lithuania on Financial Reporting of the Public Sector are correct;
10) account for his activities at the General Assembly of the members of the Academy of Sciences;
11) on behalf of the Academy of Sciences sign legal acts, documents, agreements and perform other functions of a single-person management body.

44. Resolutions of the Presidium on the issues under consideration shall be adopted by a simple majority of votes with participation of not less than 2/3 of the members of the Presidium at the Assembly of the members of the Presidium.

45. The Presidium shall:

1) implement resolutions of the General Assembly of the members of the Academy of Sciences and, between sessions of the General Assembly of the members of the Academy of Sciences, head activities of the Academy of Sciences in compliance with the goals and tasks specified in the Charter of the Academy of Sciences;
2) approve a strategic action plan of the Academy of Sciences submitted by the President of the Academy of Sciences;
3) initiate General Assemblies of the members of the Academy of Sciences and prepare their agendas;
4) announce competitions for receipt of benefits and grants assigned to scientists and students who have distinguished themselves when carrying out research, approve proposals concerning the selected candidates, as presented by selection commissions set up for these purposes;
5) announce competitions for sabbaticals of scientists at research and higher education institutions and approve proposals of the Scientific Divisions regarding the selected candidates;
6) announce competitions for granting prizes and awards of the Academy of Sciences;
7) hold scientific forums, conferences, symposiums, meetings, and lectures;
8) develop scientific information and publishing activities;
9) maintain scientific links with foreign academies of sciences and scientific centres;
10) coordinate activities of the bureaus of the Scientific Divisions;
11) establish organisational units necessary for ensuring activities of the Academy of Sciences;
12) lay down the procedure of management, use and disposal of funds of the Academy of Sciences (as well as funds intended for salaries of the members of the Presidium, except the President of the Academy of Sciences, and other employees) and assets, consider and approve the most important decisions related thereto.


46. The Scientific Divisions shall unite scientists working in neighbouring branches of science. The Scientific Divisions shall deal with problems related to the development and quality of research of these branches of science, examine issues concerning education of the scientific potential, initiate and organize complex research and expert examinations, evaluate on-going and completed research, prepare recommendations on the application of research results to economy and culture, organise scientific forums, symposiums, conferences and lectures, and discuss activity reports of the members of the Scientific Divisions. According to the branches of science and scientific problems, the Scientific Divisions shall be divided into sections and commissions. Other Lithuanian scientists and specialists may be also invited to take part in the work of the Scientific Divisions, sections, and commissions.

47. The highest collegial self-governance body of a Scientific Division of the Academy of Sciences shall be the General Assembly of the members of that Division. It shall be convened at least four times per year. The General Assembly of the members of the Scientific Division shall be legitimate if it is attended by not less than 2/3 of its full members. The right to vote at the General Assembly of the members of the Scientific Division shall be enjoyed by the Academy of Sciences full members and members emeriti of that Scientific Division. At the General Assembly of the members of the Scientific Division, except a meeting concerning election of candidates for full members of the Academy of Sciences, issues shall be settled by a simple majority of votes of the attending members having the right to vote.

48. The bureaus of the Scientific Divisions and the Chairpersons of the Scientific Divisions shall head the activities of the Scientific Divisions between General Assemblies of the members of the Scientific Divisions.

49. The Chairperson of a Scientific Division shall be elected in accordance with the procedure laid down by this Charter. Members of the bureau of a Scientific Division shall be elected at the Assembly of the members of the Scientific Division from among the members of the Scientific Division for a period of four years. The Chairperson of the Scientific Division and the members of the bureau of the Scientific Division shall be considered to be elected if they receive more than 1/2 of votes of the full members and members emeriti of the Scientific Division.

50. Candidates for full members of the Academy of Sciences shall be elected at the General Assembly of the members of the Scientific Division from the candidates nominated and registered in pursuance of subparagraph 22 of this Charter.

51. Sections, commissions of the Scientific Divisions may be set up from the members of respective Scientific Divisions and other scientists and distinguished specialists in that branch of science. The structure of sections and commissions of the Scientific Divisions shall be approved at the General Assembly of the members of the Scientific Division.


52. Representatives of Lithuanian research and higher education institutions shall be invited to participate at the Academy of Sciences when solving the key issues pertaining to research and research management.

53. The Academy of Sciences shall strive for integration of activities of Lithuanian research and higher education institutions and their close cooperation when solving the most important problems, developing priority branches of science, organising and conducting complex research and expert examinations of the issues pertaining to the strategy of promotion of science, culture and economy.

54. When concluding cooperation agreements with foreign academies of sciences and scientific centres, the Academy of Sciences shall take into consideration the needs for the development of the Lithuanian research and higher education system and the interests of Lithuanian research and higher education institutions.

55. The Academy of Sciences shall encourage its members to closely cooperate with higher education establishments and contribute to education of specialists.

56. Renowned specialists from the fields of science, higher education and culture, who actively assist the Academy of Sciences in implementing its mission, may be given incentives in the ways provided for in this Charter. The said persons may be paid, from the appropriations of the state budget allocated to the Academy of Sciences and other legally acquired funds, for the prepared studies, reports, expert examinations and other work related to research and experimental (social, cultural) and economic development as for copyright works.


57. While implementing its mission and strategic goals, the Academy of Sciences shall, using the competence of its members, provide consultations, expert evaluations and recommendations to the Seimas, the Government and other state authorities. The Scientific Divisions of the Academy of Sciences shall cooperate with respective ministries and other state institutions.

58. The Academy of Sciences shall, on its own initiative or upon a mandate from the Seimas or the Government, present proposals to relevant state and other interested institutions and organisations regarding the economic, scientific, technological, social and cultural development of Lithuania.


59. This Charter shall be adopted and its amendments shall be made by the resolution of the General Assembly of the members of the Academy of Sciences, if not less than 2/3 of the members of the Assembly, having the right to vote, vote in favour of it. The Charter and its amendments shall be approved by the Seimas.